Sound like yourself in English

So you're struggling to find the right words in English?

I'm here to help you shout about your brand in another language so you can confidently tell the world just how awesome it is.

Your tone of voice is so distinctive in German and you want to have the same impact when you're speaking to your international audience. Of course you do. You've put so much time and effort into building your brand - you don't want that to count for nothing when you go global.

Maybe you've had a go at translating your German content into English yourself. But it just didn't sound like you. And how many hours did it take you to work on that one blog post?!

You might have resorted to running your text through a free translation tool you found online. But the result was so bland, boring, blah that you didn't even recognise your own words.

I. Feel. Your. Pain.

But, hey, I'm here to do the talking for you from now on. By the time I'm done, I might even end up sounding more like you than you do!

So how can I help you?

  • Translation

    You've already written your content in German and you'd like to publish the same content in English. Awesome, I've got you covered. I'll do what I do best and select just the right words to reflect the meaning, style and tone of your German text. Words that really speak to your international target audience.

  • Copywriting

    You want to skip the German and write your English content from scratch. This works for me too. I'll ask you to provide me with a brief in German and any other resources and reference materials you think will come in handy. I'll get your message across and nail the tone of voice while I'm there.

  • Proofreading & Editing

    You already have some English content and you want to make sure it's the best it can be. You've come to the right place. Whether it's original content or a translation, it'll sound like you wrote it by the time I'm done. And there won't be a typo or misplaced comma in sight. I'll replace awkward phrasing and ambiguities with clarity and consistency.

Excited to sound like yourself in English? 

Let's get started!

Step 1: We get to know each other

You need to know that you can trust me with your precious words. So let's jump on a call and make sure we're a good fit. We can talk through the process and ask each other a whole bunch of questions. If I'm going to sound more like you than you do, I need to gather some intel, right? Tell me everything!

Step 2: I get to work and you get back to work

Send over your German content or brief and any other reference materials you think I might need. And then you can sit back and relax. Or, more likely, get back to your day job and focus on doing what you do best. Safe in the knowledge that I'll be working hard on your English content. Doing what I do best.

Step 3: You get eyes on your new content

The exciting moment has arrived! Say hello to your shiny new content in your English voice. Wow, it sounds just like you. Nice. This is the start of something special. I'm already looking forward to the next time I see your name pop up in my inbox. By working with me again and again, you can keep your tone of voice consistent and make your life easier so you can get down to making that sale, closing that deal and boosting your business.

Want to make your life even easier?

My Blog Bundles could be for you if you...

✔ Need a hand staying consistent with your blogging and social media strategy

✔ Like to keep things simple and streamlined

✔ Are ready to grow your international audience by posting more in English

Monthly upfront payments.
No quotes. No invoices. No stress.
Minimum commitment of three months.

  • Whisper

    • 1 blog post per month

    • Social media post to match

    From €250/month

  • Speak

    • 2 blog posts per month

    • Social media post about each blog

    • 2 extra social media posts

    From €500/month

  • Shout

    • 4 blog posts per month

    • Social media post about each blog

    • 8 extra social media posts

    • Monthly strategy call

    From €1000/month

Or create your own bundle to suit you and your business!

Or maybe you're looking to start small?

My Social Starter could be a great way for you to dip your toe in if you...

✔ Are just starting to think about posting in English

✔ Need help figuring out what content to publish in English

✔ Want to find out what it's like to have your own voice in a different language

One upfront payment.
No pressure. No obligation. No stress.

Three social media posts for your platform of choice
Email support to kick-start your social media strategy

From €100

Excited to sound like yourself in English?

Let's have a chat over a cup of tea or coffee and make sure we're a good fit.